Our annual ‘Back Pack Give Away’ on Aug. 14th was a tremendous success.
Through the support of our sponsors at Target, Staples and BJ’s Wholesale Club, we were able to pass out nearly 100 back packs to our immediate community and the surrounding areas. How awesome it is to see God’s plan in action, but the highlight of the day had to be the joy on each kid’s face as they realized that they could pick out their own back pack!
Every year we come together with the local community and have a neighborhood Grill Party. It’s a chance for neighbors to meet neighbors and parishners to fellowship with their brethren while breaking bread. We believe in supporting communities through events like these because a healthy community is one in which neighbors can connect and support one another.
Phone: 973-939-5712Email info@hopeoutreach.church Sunday Service: 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Stay connected. Join us on our 03:00 PM Sunday service via live stream on our Facebook page @ Hope Outreach Ministries for Everyone.