Partnership Alliances

Apostle I. V. Hilliard

1535 Greensmark Drive, Houston, Texas 77067

Pastor Dellroger Dunmore

11 Leslie St, Newark, NJ 07108

Pastor J.T. Foster

333 13th Ave, Newark, NJ 07103


Testimony is a powerful tool in sharing what God has done and is continuing to do in our lives. It is important for us to realize the value of our testimony. Not only do our testimonies represent us coming to Christ, but they can also continue to bring others to Him when we share them.

I am a witness of Jesus Christ!! Jesus has exalted my marriage and my finances!! I learned to trust in God Word on forgiveness and He healed me within! My Hope in the Living God is Manifested in my life today.

- Lady E.

When I was a young mother of 4, I was divorced and jobless. Today at 58, I’m now retired after worked over 25 years and the proud grandmother of 5, I’m also married to a wonderful loving husband of 14yrs and has traveled all over the country because I serve; THE I AM POSSIBIE GOD!! THANK YOU HOPE OUTREACH.

- Sister Mary

Matthew 25;34-36 was where I was when I heard the voice of the Lord “in prison and He came to me” Since being released, I have been blessed with a beautiful wife and children. This ministry an extension of FMCF church as continued to be a constant in my life.

Pastor Darren , has taken the mantle from his father and I am the better for that divine transfer of the anointing on Pastor Darren Gulston Life. Thank you, Hope Outreach!

- Minster Bernard

I was a prisoner to drugs. I did things to people that I’m not proud of. God has given me a chance to make things right with my family and friends. Today, I’m drug free and forgiven! No condemnation, no judgement. Hope Outreach welcomed me and has given me a place to call home.

- Jackie

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Contact Us

Phone: 973-939-5712Email Sunday Service: 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Stay connected. Join us on our 03:00 PM Sunday service via live stream on our Facebook page @ Hope Outreach Ministries for Everyone.

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